18 March 2013

Dogs, Drugs, and Humility

After a series of unfortunate events on Friday, I ended my day by accidentally taking the dog's prescription.  I'd had a very long day, Coach was out of town, and it was the end of an arduous week.  Frankly, I was trying to do too many things at once which ended with me chasing dog drugs with some orange juice and calling it a day.

I haven't mentioned the accident yet, but a week ago Saturday Mack was attacked by a neighborhood dog while we were running.  That's a story for another day.

Today's story is one of humility.  It's a story about how you find yourself texting the following message to your veterinarian/friend on a Friday night:

Me: "Don't laugh.  I accidentally took Mack's medicine.  That's okay, right?  And can you even believe I am allowed to raise children?"

Dr. R: "You should be fine.  If you have a tendency to have acne flare-ups keep taking it." :)

I should note that Dr. R was in a tropical locale with his wife at the time.  He was very gracious with his subdued sarcasm.  I should also note that he did not confirm or deny my observation about being allowed to raise children.

Coach, however, was not as gracious.  His response?  "How on earth???  If you start chasing cats and sniffing butts you should probably call somebody."

I am happy to report that with the exception of some mild stomach discomfort, I seem to have come through it all just fine.

Except for the hairball I coughed up today.

See y'all!

I'm still writing at Total Momsense about general family insanity, recipes, gardening, and other nonsense, err momsense.  You can click on the "Home with Me" link in the navigation bar, or you can go there and subscribe by e-mail!

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